how does voice biometrics work- armour365- featured image

Written by Girish Karthik

Understanding The Working of Voice Biometrics For Efficient Business Use

As internet penetration and mobile phone usage increase, there is a need for stronger authentication systems over the traditional password/OTP-based systems. While biometric authentication based on physiological traits like fingerprints, iris scans, etc., work well, they aren’t amenable to remote...

active vs passive voice biometrics differences featured image

Written by Girish Karthik

How Active And Passive Voice Biometric Authentication Differ And The Right Choice For You

Voice Biometrics uses a person’s unique voiceprint to identify authorized legitimate users. The solution offers an efficient and effective mechanism for “contactless” ID verification. With voice biometrics, remembering numerous passwords, waiting for OTPs, and toggling between multiple devices can become...

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Experience the most accurate voice biometrics in action!

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